BronxNet works with Bronx leaders, community members, and community organizations to build up our communities for the benefit of all the residents of our borough.

“BronxNet has been an invaluable partner in our community, providing around the clock coverage of our borough, while also educating and informing residents."

Community Media and Public Policy

Certain laws enacted on the federal, state and municipal levels impact public access community media centers like BronxNet, and our work to provide local content, workforce development opportunities, and access to media education and technological resources for the people of the Bronx. 

Help Protect Local Voices and Support Community Media

BronxNet has been providing students and the public at large with media education and access to technology, studios, and services for over 30 years and we need your help to help protect these vital public resources.

Share your voice with your elected officials to let them know that you want your community media network to continue serving you and your community well into the future.

Legislation for Community Media

The Community Media Reinvestment Act – a current bill in both the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly – would help secure the future of Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) community media access centers around New York State, in a shifting and increasingly more consolidated media landscape, if passed. NYS Senate Bill 2581 and NYS Assembly Bill A5900 propose the placement of an excise tax on large streaming and satellite corporations, with part of the revenue going to PEG. This will help communities thrive with local information and access to workforce training, studios, multimedia channels, and more across New York State. The bill also provides for the building out of broadband in areas that are underserved.

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